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I am a huge believer in positive affirmations, call me a dreamer, but I have seen it work in miraculous ways.

What I do know is that a pessimistic mind does not produce anything optimistic and or positive in our lives no matter what goal setting approach we adapt. The key to living an internally enriched life, one must use a combination of positive affirmation to train the mind to only absorb and release optimism and set actionable steps to meet your goals.

To motivate my fellow melanated Queens and provide words of inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment, below are some black girl magic affirmations, because we simply Rock! Put them on sticky notes, write them on your bathroom mirror, and or transfer them into your phone as a daily reminder of your dopeness.

1. I am a dynamic Queen, who deserves all that is beautiful, abundant, and good in life.

2. I deserve to put myself on a pedal stool and give myself flowers for the woman that I am and or becoming.

3. I am only interested in surrounding myself with a tribe of healed women who recognize their worth and value.

4. I laugh in the face of systematic oppression, because this Black Girl Magic is dope on all levels

5. I am decluttering my mind, space, and life to make room for the beautiful experiences that are yet to come.

6. Changing my mindset, leads to a changed life.

7. I have an inestimable worth that comes for my creator, so I seek validation from no one.

8. I am a divine original fashioned by God to be radiantly beautiful inside and out.

9. I am cultivating my inner peace and diving deep into my faith.

10. I do not wait and depend on anyone to fulfill and choose me, because I choose myself each and every time.

11. I am stepping outside of my comfort zone and expanding my horizon fearlessly.

12. I will not allow others to mold me, I will not allow others to water me down, and I will not simplify my complexity to make others comfortable with my being and existence.

13. I will raise my vibrations and frequency, so I attract that which aligns with me on every level

14. I will never accept the bare minimum, unrequited energies, and that which I do not deserve.

15. I seek depth and substance not superficiality and vanity.

16. When respect is no longer served on the menu, I will respect myself enough to gracefully exit stage left.

17. I believe in universal law, so I am only attracting good karma and positive vibes.

18. Wherever my energy goes, my attention flows.

19. I am the only one who knows how capable I am … so I believe in myself and my infinite power!

20. I am thankful for not being where I used to be and grateful for where I am still yet to be!

21. When someone shows me who they are, I will always believe who they are. People’s actions and or inaction always speaks for them.

22. I honor my good character and integrity and will never sell myself short to appease the masses

23. I am learning from each mistake I have made and turning my lessons into wisdom.

24. Change is inevitable, and I welcome good changes in my life.

25. I am a work in progress, I respect my journey.

26. I refuse to match negative energies, so I choose to only entertain the positive in my life.

27. Everyone I lost was never a loss but a protection for my own betterment.

28. It's not the job of others to recognize my worth, it's always my responsibility to recognize my worth so I never accept anything or anyone who do not deserve me.

29. I will show up in life with kindness and a gentle nature but will be confident and assertive when I need to.

30. I will not escape reality but boldly live in my experiences and truth.

31. I will always pour into cups who only pour back into me equally.

32. I am loving the sound of my feet walking away from anything and anyone who tries to deplete me.

33. I am a force to be reckon with and I will not shy away from this.

34. When life gives me lemonade, I will throw it back at life and tell it to make its own lemonade

35. No longer will I set myself on fire to make others feel warm.

36. I am letting go of any self-limiting thought process and ideas.

37. Stop collecting red flags they are not a badge of honor.

38. I will not be the airport and transit for other people's emotional baggage.

39. Stay away from half ass people, who behave in half ass ways, and only do half ass things.

40. Do away with victim mentality and step into your victor vibes.





The power of knowing your light is needed in this world



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